A World Without Green

Posted: January 6, 2012 Category: Blog, General

At this point in time, most people in our society are aware of the consequences of environmental irresponsibility. Greenhouse gas warming, global warming, whatever you may call it, is becoming a very daunting reality as of late, and is increasing its breadth as a global menace. However, this increasing threat has finally seemed to break into the scope of public concern, and thus the “green” movement has been born. A reflection of this public awareness is examinable in major advertising campaigns by companies like Diesel and the WWF (not the wrestling one). View this article for more of these ad campaigns.`

To avoid regression or failure in our attempts to grow the green movement, we must remember what our world could be if we did not take these precautions. For example, this photographic account of what the United States could return to, should environmental protection not be continued to the utmost extent. Images of smoggy cities and unsafe work conditions are only small in the grand scheme of things when examining the importance of environmental consciousness. What we mean by this, is the negative impact we are having on our climate is not only to do with temperature, but weather as well. To elaborate on this point, it turns out our own carbon emissions are also a contributing factor when it comes to natural disasters such as hailstorms and tornadoes. Frightening isn’t it…

Electric cars, solar panels, water conservation, the list goes on and on when it comes to efforts to preserve and save our planet from impending doom. However, with the amount of attention the green movement is receiving, its growth has been exponential in the past year or two. For example, nearly every major car manufacturer is now producing or designing and entirely battery powered vehicle in an attempt to cut carbon emissions down. Though only one example amongst many, this clear indication of a turn in the right direction may very well be enough save our planet.

Remember to always travel, shop, work, and all around live as green as you can to do your part. Want to take your first step in the right direction? Make the switch to enviromint today.

photo courtesy of SchizoDelight



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