Green Country Profile: Canada

Posted: March 3, 2012 Category: Blog, General

It seems like it should have been the very first country to profile in this segment, but with a lot of criticisms directed at Canada for not reaching it’s full climate change potential, our homeland slipped through the radar. However, this wonderful country of ours does stand out as a leader in the environmental game, and the World Wildlife Fund and Cleantech Group LLC have taken notice. This week, Canada was ranked the seventh greenest among 38 countries in the world, following six standout countries, among them Denmark, Israel, and the USA.

Our high standing is due to “an entrepreneurial culture, relatively high patent activity and existing corporate activity in the green-tech sector.” These factors rank in our favour, unlike the federal government’s lack of support in environmental initiatives, as displayed in the cutbacks within Environment Canada. However, on a provincial level, many areas of Canada are doing quite well in the rally for climate change including Ontario’s Green Energy Act, Nova Scotia’s subsidizing of local renewable projects, and Quebec’s goal of fostering a strong electric vehicle industry. Organizations such as The University of Waterloo’s Institute for Sustainable Energy also keep Canada on the grid when it comes to slowing environmental damage. In addition, Canada’s bounty of natural wonders allow great potential for widespread use of renewable energy sources like hydroelectric and wind powered energy. Hopefully these positive factors only continue to snowball and place this country higher in the rankings as an environmental leader.

Via The Globe and Mail

Photo courtesy of Mike Kirby


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