Canada Gets Dubbed ‘Fossil of the Day’

Posted: June 15, 2012 Category: Blog, General

While we’re on the topic of Canada’s ranking amongst the world’s nations, Canada is back in the spotlight. Only this time, instead of being a leader, it is a great, big loser. Given the not-so-honourable title of “Fossil of the Day” at the Rio+20 talks, thousands of world delegates are putting our nation in the spotlight for ‘standing in the way of a just and sustainable future.’ This award comes out the summit’s analysis of countries who are hindering more than helping the overall environmental goal.

Canada’s award comes out of the discovery of “deleting wording for funding for developing countries, weakening language on fossil-fuel subsidies, and causing confusion on policies related to oceans and fisheries.” But our country is second to receive it, after the United States.

So what’s wrong with North America? Featuring two globally influential countries, this continent needs to get its act together for the environment’s sake. With two of the biggest industrial powerhouses dragging their feet, it seems any progress the world makes will be undone.

Photo courtesy of brewbooks

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