our mission
The EnviroMint mission is simple, we want to develop a collaborative real estate community by providing innovative transaction, document and business management services.

our vision
Our vision is to continually develop and improve upon efficiencies within our software and services. We want to have the most complete and centralized view of information and establish ourselves as the best provider of real estate transaction, document and business management services in the industry. We’re a green company, striving to show brokerages that going paperless doesn’t have to be painful. Our commitment to the real estate community can be witnessed within our reliable, honest approach to the service we provide our clients. Our Win/Win support and service program is just another way for EnviroMint to prove our dedication to providing hands on training and support to our clients.
EnviroMint came to be in the way that all good companies come to be – bred from sheer necessity. The need for a true back office real estate solution was nowhere to be found.
So after researching, demonstrating several products and asking around, Eric Joseph decided it was time to work on his own internal solution to keep his Real Estate franchise running efficiently.
As an owner of a Real Estate franchise and responsible for the conveyancing, billing and accounting, Eric Joseph, did what he knew best. He used off the shelf product like Accpac for GL, AR and AP functions and built spreadsheets to supplement the specialty areas like trust and commission accounting.
Over the years, he saw that his internal systems were being pushed to the limit due to volume increase from new agent adds coupled with the addition of a new franchises. The current way of doing things was not working and not flexible enough for multi-users to access.
After taking part in a demo of a commonly used back office solution that was making its way around the industry, Eric was not sold that this was the right answer to what a brokerage needed in order to be an efficient, streamlined and successful operation.
Eric ultimately made the decision to create an in-house, back office solution that would extend to his multi-sites and allow multi-users to access it – including agents. Over a few years of development, a new web application was deployed and the efficiencies he envisioned started to materialize.
The development of this back office solution quickly led to numerous awards for the brokerage. Eric Joseph’s brokerage also became one of the most profitable per agent in the country. The word spread quickly and now Eric was fielding many inquiries about the software he had developed. Through these conversations with other brokerages Eric was asked to present at different industry conferences to share his secrets to profitability.
This led him to make the decision to commercialize the solution and to go to market.