How To Avoid A Heart Attack At Work

Posted: September 20, 2012 Category: Blog, Office Tips

Some days are difficult. Others are even worse. Let’s face it, no matter how much you love your job, there’s always gonna be days that are tough to get through, whether it’s from having way too much to do, or having little to no motivation whatsoever. You know that anxious feeling like you don’t know where to even start? That’s what we’re talking about. It seems to be a vicious cycle because if you don’t tackle the pile right away you tend to get even more anxious about how much work you have to do, and so on and so forth – don’t worry, it happens to the best of us. So, here’s a couple tips to get you through your overcrowded “where do I even start” work day.

Make a list – One of the easiest ways to get all your eggs in one basket is to write down absolutely every little thing you need to get done before the end of your work day. If you’re super busy and were hoping  to get everything done and have time to spare to get ahead on something else, but are getting worried about not having the ti- STOP. Take a deep breath, and stick to your list. If you get everything done in time, then move onto getting ahead on some other stuff. If not, leave it until another day. Nobody’s going to follow you home over it.

Check it Twice Prioritize – Once you’ve compiled your tasks, sort them from highest to lowest importance. This is the most effective way to manage your time in terms of figuring out where you need to be the most focused. If each task equally as important as the next, pick one, stick to it until you’re done, cross it off the list, and move on to the next task; which brings us to our next point.

One Step At A Time – Yes, we all know you’ve heard this probably since elementary school, but that doesn’t make it any less true. Multi-tasking is a virtual impossibility, especially if your head is already cluttered and your heart rate’s starting to rise. Pick a task, take a deep breath, push everything else out of that little brain of yours, and get it done. Once you’ve completed, scratch it off the list, and get going on the next item on your list.

It’s Just Work – At the end of the day, you must remember that it’s just a job. Unless your employment hangs in the balance (in which case you’re probably a little late to be reading this) or your life is in danger, then you need to take a step back, breathe, and realize that this is just work. Despite the fact that it may feel like a life or death situation (because the pressure’s making you feel like you’re about to have a freakin’ heart attack) the clock is still going to turn over to 5 o’clock, and you’re still going to get up and go home to your family, cats, television, or whatever else you may have in store after work. It’s going to be just fine despite the crushing weight of the world being on your shoulders at this point in time. Keep calm and chive on…Now, get back to work!

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image courtesy of Kai Hendry

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